If and Why, Agitate, & Strong Hooks
3 copywriting examples from around the web.
Hi, I’m Ben Watkins 👋 Thanks for joining La Vie Ben Rose. Every week, I unravel copywriting questions, examples, and conversion tactics from the most recognized brands. I also look at online writing trends and creative ways to solve confusing problems.
Popular past issues and resources:
$1 landing page course (Taken by 188 people)
Happy Saturday!
I’ve been playing basketball non-stop with the kiddos and now feel ultra sore. Father time is undefeated.
Also, I’m reading Steven Martin’s book, Born Standing Up, which made me realize how hard it is to be a comic. I try to be part-time funny and that’s hard work.
My favorite line so far is, “You’re going to see a lot of comedians tonight. Some will be good. Some will be okay. But there’s a difference between me and them. Them, you might want to see again.”
Onward and forward!
If and then why is a great start to an About Page.
You’re challenging the reader. If everyone knows that sparkling water is supposed to be this, then why isn’t it?
Then Aura Bora shows how they were born.
Lots of freelancers struggle with sales. Sometimes, leading with pain is a good idea because it’s where the customer most feels it.
Then you open a curiosity loop by saying, “Until Now…”
Now you’ve hooked the reader.
I love this email because it’s the perfect example of a story.
A great story starts with a great opening line or hook. In this example, it’s a strong opinion.
It then backs up that opinion with a story about who to blame for old age.
My most popular (and newest) articles:
7 Underrated Landing Page Tips (7.4k reviews)
7 Lessons I Learned Launching a $1 Digital Product (7.4k reads)
My B2B Landing Page Guidebook (long-form article)
4 Things I Changed With My New Freelance Course (newest article)
When you're ready, here are three ways I can help you 👇
Hire me for a copywriting project
Take my $1 landing page course (Taken by 188 people)
Take my $17 freelance course (Learn how to make your first $1,000)
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