The Key to Maximizing Your Conversion Rate
What "best practices" should you follow to maximize leads and transform them into customers?
Hi, I’m Ben Watkins 👋 Thanks for joining another edition of La Vie Ben Rose. Every week, I unravel copywriting questions, examples, and conversion tactics from the most recognized brands. I also look at the online writing trends that revolutionize how you write.
Every brand LOVES the idea of getting 3%-10% more conversions.
The hard part is actually getting prospects to take action. You can send endless traffic to your website or landing page, but just because you lead a horse to water doesn’t mean they will drink.
That water needs to be from the purest mountain and look like liquid gold. It has to be the right horse and the right water. Let’s end that example.
In other words, you need the right audience, the right message, and the right offer. It’s a win-win situation.
Let’s explain what that means for your brand, especially in the health tech industry.
How to Identify the Right Audience
One of the biggest mistakes I see as a copywriter in the health tech industry is getting the wrong audience on your website or landing page (hence, no conversions).
Often enough, we simplify audiences to core problems and the solutions they need.
There are levels to understanding your audience.
What is their stage of awareness?
What are the personas?
What emotional problems do they have?
What emotional transformation are they looking for?
Where do they hang out (especially on social media)?
Where are they currently shopping when it comes to competitors?
What kind of audience are you getting from your website and landing page traffic?
Does the message on your website or landing page match your audience's intent and awareness level?
What do your prospects say on customer reviews (especially competitors) and through surveys?
These questions help you dive deeper into your audience. You may not know everything, but you have an idea of how to help them.
Your job is to identify that problem instead of bunching everyone up and saying they all feel the same way about this problem. They all express it the same way. They are all aware of it the same way.
Every audience needs a unique message. For an unaware audience, you’re calling out that problem in your messaging and making them aware.
How to Identify the Right Message
The right message gets prospects to nod their head, jump for joy, and say:
“YES! You understand me.”
When a brand identifies the right message, it unlocks something that changes the entire trajectory of its business. Optimized messages equals maximized revenue.
And yet, finding the right message takes loads of work.
You have to consider how aware your audience is of your offer. The best brands consider these questions:
How problem or solution-aware is my audience? Do they know they have a problem? If they are looking for a solution, what makes yours better?
You have to look at the data across your brand and see what your sales and marketing teams notice about your current customers. What gets them to say yes?
Great messaging is built around the voice of the customer. How does the founder describe the brand?
Here’s an example of how to write messages around the stage of awareness of your audience:
Minimize friction
Copywriting is built around persuasion. Your message should drive people to click and take action.
The problem is friction. The thing that resists movement. It’s what we all say to something that we are hesitant to say yes to: “Uh, that sounds like a lot of work. I’m going to pass.”
Friction is anything that looks like an obstacle:
More clicks
Trying to understand a message
More sign-up forms
More work that requires the ideal customer to do something they really don’t want to do
Less is more when it comes to messaging.
I get it. You’re proud of what you built. But you don’t need to overexplain it. Don’t overdo it because your ego wants to say more.
Keep it simple, clear, and crisp.
How to Identify the Right Offer
Your offer is built around what your audience wants.
You don’t make them offer because you think it appeals to them. You know it will help them solve a problem, even if you’re helping them for free.
The right offer does two things:
Removes a prospect’s hesitation or objection
Shows the transformation a prospect gets when they get the offer
This example shows an offer focusing on a clear outcome, how to achieve that outcome, and what action you need to get that outcome.
Great Emails Bring Forth Great Revenue
Great emails persuade you to take action. They stand out amongst the hundreds of emails people get every day.
If you want to improve your conversions, having a great website or landing page isn’t enough. You need to nurture that email list you’re building.
You do that with great copywriting that follows the voice of the customer. And you don’t just bombard someone’s inbox with emails every day.
You create campaigns designed to nurture someone from unaware to problem aware to solution aware to product aware. You’re showing people what makes your brand different. And you’re segmenting your email list based on their actions (or inaction).
An email list is one of a brand's most powerful assets. The challenge is learning how to leverage it.
But when you do it, you can optimize your brand and revenue. And you can grow smarter and faster.
Here are a few additional resources I loved around conversions:
If you need a laugh, I always encourage people to watch this. One of my favorite sketches:
When you're ready, here are a few ways I can help you 👇
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Ben Watkins